Baby Goat Simmered with Almonds and Saffron

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Yield: 4 servings

1 tb Butter

1/2 cup Whole blanched almonds

Generous pinch saffron


2 To 3 ounces pancetta, in 2

-thick slices, diced

1 lb Baby goat meat, cut from

-the leg *

1 Onion, finely chopped

2 lg Garlic cloves, minced

3 Ripe tomatoes, peeled,

-seeded and chopped

Salt and pepper

1/2 ts Dried thyme

1 Bay leaf

4 md Russet potatoes, peeled and

-cut into eighths

* in 1 1/2-inch chunks, trimmed of any membrane or fat.

Heat butter in a non stick skillet and saute almonds in it until

lightly browned. Transfer to bowl of food processor, add saffron,

and process until finely ground. Set aside.

In the same skillet, saute pancetta until lightly cooked and transfer

to a heavy saucepan. Brown meat, in 2 batches, and add to pancetta.

Saute onion until golden, adding a little more butter if necessary.

to meat and stir in garlic, tomatoes, almond-saffron mixture, thyme,

and bay leaf. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add just enough

water to barely cover. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and partly cover

pan. Simmer for 1 hour, or until meat is almost done. Add potatoes,

pushing them under meat, and cook for 15 minutes more, until tender

(There should not be a great deal of sauce but add a little water if

too dry.) Taste seasoning.

Serves 4.